Ημέρα 01: Ταξίδι Τίρανα - Άμπου Ντάμπι - Ντουμπάι (Άμεση πτήση με Wizz Air)
Αναχώρηση από τα Τίρανα στις 17:45 και άφιξη στο Άμπου Ντάμπι στις 01:40.
Αριθμός πτήσης: SW7092
Μεταφορά και διαμονή σε ξενοδοχείο 4* στο Άμπου Ντάμπι με πρωινό.
Ημέρα 02: Περιήγηση στην πόλη του Ντουμπάι
Ξεκινάμε από τον διάσημο δρόμο Σέιχ Ζαγιέντ (γνωστός και ως κύρια αρτηρία της πόλης). Κατά τη διάρκεια αυτής της διαδρομής θα περάσουμε από την επιχειρηματική περιοχή (γεμάτη από πραγματικά μοναδικά κτίρια) όπως ο Πύργος των Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων και το Παγκόσμιο Κέντρο Εμπορίου. Όλα φαίνονται σε πλήρη αρμονία και το πρόγραμμα θα συνεχιστεί με θαύματα όπως ο Μπούρτζ Χαλίφα, το ψηλότερο κτίριο του κόσμου με ύψος 818 μέτρα, και κοντά σε αυτό βρίσκεται το Dubai Mall, το μεγαλύτερο εμπορικό κέντρο στον κόσμο. Συνεχίζουμε την επίσκεψή μας στην Palm Jumeirah, μια ιδιαίτερη αρχιτεκτονική που έχει κατασκευαστεί πλήρως πάνω στο νερό. Εκεί θα έχουμε την ευκαιρία να δούμε το πολυτελές ξενοδοχείο Atlantis The Palm και να βγάλουμε πανοραμικές φωτογραφίες. Στη συνέχεια, θα επισκεφτούμε το ξενοδοχείο Burj Al Arab, το μοναδικό 7* ξενοδοχείο στον κόσμο. Συνεχίζουμε με το Dubai Marina, την πιο διάσημη παραλία του Ντουμπάι όπου μπορούμε να δούμε και το Yacht Club.
Ελεύθερος χρόνος για μεσημεριανό γεύμα και διαμονή σε ξενοδοχείο 3 αστέρων.
Ημέρα 03: Ελεύθερη ημέρα
Ημέρα 04: Ελεύθερη ημέρα
Ημέρα 05: Ελεύθερη ημέρα
Ημέρα 06: Περιήγηση στο Ντουμπάι - Άμπου Ντάμπι - Αεροδρόμιο
Check-out από το ξενοδοχείο και μεταφορά στο Άμπου Ντάμπι όπου συνεχίζουμε με την περιήγηση στην πόλη του Άμπου Ντάμπι.
Το Άμπου Ντάμπι, γνωστό και ως "Μανχάταν της Αραβίας" λόγω των υπερσύγχρονων ουρανοξυστών του. Η πρωτεύουσα των Ηνωμένων Αραβικών Εμιράτων βρίσκεται σε ένα νησί σε σχήμα T κοντά στον Περσικό Κόλπο. Θα έχουμε την ευκαιρία να επισκεφτούμε θαυμάσια μέρη όπως το Τζαμί Sheikh Zayed, ένα αριστούργημα της νεοϊσλαμικής αρχιτεκτονικής και ένα από τα πιο όμορφα τζαμιά στον κόσμο. Το τζαμί έχει περισσότερες από 1.000 στήλες στους εξωτερικούς του χώρους, καλυμμένες με πάνω από 20.000 πάνελ από μάρμαρο και πολύτιμους λίθους, περιλαμβανομένων κοχυλιών και μαργαριτών. Η επίσκεψη σε αυτό το τζαμί είναι μια πραγματικά αξέχαστη εμπειρία.
Η επίσκεψη συνεχίζεται με το πολυτελές "Παλαιό των Εμιράτων", το οποίο βρίσκεται στο εντυπωσιακό του σημείο. Στη συνέχεια, θα επισκεφτούμε το Heritage Village, το Marina Mall και το νησί "Saadyat", το οποίο προσφέρει μια πραγματική εικόνα της ανάπτυξης των πλουσιότερων πόλεων του κόσμου. Συνεχίζουμε με το νησί "Yas", το οποίο φιλοξενεί το συγκρότημα "Ferrari World" και την πίστα αγώνων της "Formula 1". Μετά την ολοκλήρωση του προγράμματος, μεταφορά στο Αεροδρόμιο.
Πτήση Άμπου Ντάμπι - Τίρανα (Άμεση πτήση με Wizz Air)
Αναχώρηση από Άμπου Ντάμπι στις 14:05 και άφιξη στο Τίρανα στις 16:55.
Αριθμός πτήσης: SW7091
Τέλος της υπηρεσίας μας.
Υπηρεσία Ξεναγού
Είσοδος στο Burj Khalifa: 65 EUR ανά άτομο
Περιήγηση με γιοτ από τις 19:00 έως τις 21:00: 60 EUR ανά άτομο
Πρωινή εμπειρία πισίνας στο Aura: 95 EUR ανά άτομο
Βραδινό σαφάρι στην έρημο: 69 EUR ανά άτομο με δείπνο
VAS HOLIDAYS operate and represents the following channels:
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VAS HOLIDAYS acts primarily as an intermediary between the and third-party service providers (e.g., airlines, hotels, car rental companies, etc.), except in cases where it directly organizes Charters or Group Tours.
For bookings involving individual travel elements (e.g., flights, hotels, rental cars) or packages created and delivered by third-party providers, VAS HOLIDAYS serve solely as a mediator. In these cases, VAS HOLIDAYS is not a contractual party to the service agreement between the Customer and the service provider. Consequently, VAS HOLIDAYS is not liable for the performance, delivery, or quality of services provided by third-party suppliers.
Customers are advised to carefully review the terms and conditions of each third-party provider applicable to their specific bookings, including cancellation, refund, and change policies.
2. Confirmation and Travel Documents
2.1 Impossible Bookings
VAS HOLIDAYS’ system does not automatically prevent bookings that may conflict, such as two flights to the same destination at overlapping times or a flight and activity tickets in different locations for the same timeframe. If such bookings are made, refunds will not be provided, and the booking will remain subject to the terms and conditions of the respective suppliers.
2.2 Customer Responsibility for Legal and Travel Requirements
It is the Customer’s sole responsibility to:
VAS HOLIDAYS and its suppliers are not responsible for providing guidance on such requirements or guaranteeing the Customer’s ability to meet them. Failure to comply may result in the service being denied without the right to a refund.
2.3 Electronic Confirmation
Confirmation of reservations is provided electronically. In cases where vouchers or other travel documents cannot be immediately issued due to technical updates or supplier requirements, they will be sent to the Customer via email or other appropriate means.
2.4 Visas and Entry Requirements
Customers are responsible for contacting the relevant embassies or authorities to obtain accurate and up-to-date information on visa, passport, and entry requirements for their destinations. Failure to secure the required documentation is not the responsibility of VAS HOLIDAYS, and no compensation will be provided in such cases.
3. Data Protection Under Albanian Law
VAS HOLIDAYS ensure the protection of personal data in full compliance with the provisions of Law No. 9887, dated 10 March 2008, “On the Protection of Personal Data,” as amended. In accordance with Article 27 of the law, VAS HOLIDAYS implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, unauthorized access, or other forms of unlawful processing. Users bear the responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of their login credentials, including email addresses and passwords. Any failure to secure these credentials that results in unauthorized access is not the liability of VAS HOLIDAYS.
While VAS HOLIDAYS make all reasonable efforts to ensure the security of its website and systems, it cannot guarantee that the website is free from viruses or other harmful components. Users are strongly advised to take personal precautions, such as installing antivirus software and securing their internet connections, to mitigate such risks.
Personal data collected through our services is processed only for legitimate, specific, and explicitly stated purposes, as required by Article 6 of the law, and only with the prior consent of the user. VAS HOLIDAYS guarantee that personal data will be processed confidentially and used strictly for the purposes for which it was collected, as mandated by Article 28.
By utilizing our services, users confirm their understanding of an agreement with these terms, including their obligation to ensure compliance with all applicable data protection requirements. For further information, users may refer to Law No. 9887 or contact the Office of the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Data Protection in Albania.
4.1 Service Fees
Credit and debit card companies impose processing fees for transactions made using their cards. Consequently, a non-refundable Service Fee ranging from 4% to 10% is applied to certain travel bookings, including but not limited to flights, flight and hotel packages, hotel bookings, dynamic packages, transfers, car rentals, activities, and group bookings. This Service Fee is included in the final price displayed to the Customer.
4.2 Payment Methods
4.3 Payment Deadlines and Non-Payment Consequences
4.4 Customer Responsibility
Customers are responsible for ensuring that payments are completed in accordance with the instructions provided by VAS HOLIDAYS. Failure to adhere to these instructions may result in delays, cancellation of bookings, or additional penalties, for which VAS HOLIDAYS bears no liability.
5.1 General Refund Terms
If a refund is due to be processed by VAS HOLIDAYS under the applicable Terms and Conditions, the Service Fee (4%-10%) charged on the original booking will remain non-refundable in all cases. This fee covers administrative and payment processing costs that are incurred regardless of the booking outcome.
5.2 Refund Process for B2B Users
For users with Business-to-Business (B2B) accounts, any refunds approved by VAS HOLIDAYS will be credited exclusively as a Deposit in the user’s account. This Deposit can only be used for future bookings on the VAS HOLIDAYS platform and is non-transferable.
5.3 Refund Process for B2C Users
For users with Business-to-Consumer (B2C) accounts, refunds will be processed as follows:
5.4 Exchange Rate Variations
For bookings made in foreign currencies, any refund amount may vary due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates between the time of booking and the time of refund processing. VAS HOLIDAYS is not liable for any differences arising from such fluctuations.
5.5 Refund Eligibility and Limitations
Refunds are subject to the specific terms and conditions of the service provider (e.g., airline, hotel, or car rental company). Refund requests will only be processed once VAS HOLIDAYS has received confirmation from the service provider regarding the refund eligibility and amount.
6.1 Payment Limit Timeframe
If a Customer chooses the Deferred Payment option when making a reservation, the system will automatically generate a specific Payment Limit Timeframe. This timeframe will be displayed at the time of booking confirmation.
6.2 Booking Confirmation and Pending Payment
Once the reservation is confirmed, the booking status will show as Booking Confirmed, even if the payment status is pending. However, the reservation remains conditionally confirmed and subject to automated cancellation if the full payment is not received by the specified Payment Limit date and time.
6.3 Customer Responsibility
It is the Customer’s responsibility to ensure that the payment is completed within the Payment Limit Timeframe. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the automatic cancellation of the booking, without further notice, and VAS HOLIDAYS shall bear no liability for such cancellation.
7.1 Accessing Booking Status
Customers can verify the status of their bookings directly in the Bookings section of their account or by reviewing the details provided on the booking voucher.
7.2 Confirmed Bookings
A booking is considered fully confirmed only if the system displays the status Booking Completed for all services included in the reservation.
7.3 Other Statuses and Actions Required
If the system displays any other status, such as Pending to be Confirmed, On Request, Not Booked, or any similar indication, it is the Customer’s responsibility to immediately contact the VAS HOLIDAYS support team. The support team will review the status and provide the necessary updates or clarifications.
7.4 Customer Responsibility
Failure to verify or clarify the booking status in cases where it is not fully confirmed may result in the cancellation or non-fulfilment of the reservation. VAS HOLIDAYS assume no liability for any losses incurred due to delays in contacting support or failing to address unresolved booking statuses.
8.1 General Policy
VAS HOLIDAYS operate strictly within the scope of its standard Terms and Conditions. In cases of exceptional circumstances, such as health-related issues, bereavement, or other unpredictable events, VAS HOLIDAYS do not guarantee refunds, compensation, or modifications to bookings beyond what is provided under the applicable policies of the relevant third-party suppliers.
Force majeure events include, but are not limited to, natural disasters (e.g., earthquakes, floods, hurricanes), acts of terrorism, war, civil unrest, strikes, epidemics or pandemics, government-imposed restrictions, or other extraordinary circumstances that are unforeseeable, unavoidable, and beyond the reasonable control of VAS HOLIDAYS or its service providers.
In the event of a force majeure occurrence, VAS HOLIDAYS shall not be held liable for any failure to perform or delay in performing its contractual obligations. This includes, but is not limited to, the inability to provide travel services, refunds, or amendments, where such failure or delay arises directly from the force majeure event.
The Customer must notify VAS HOLIDAYS promptly in the event they are unable to fulfil their contractual obligations due to force majeure. Failure to provide timely notification may limit the remedies available under this clause.
Where possible, VAS HOLIDAYS will endeavour to assist the Customer in rescheduling travel services affected by force majeure or provide alternative solutions. Any such changes or cancellations will be subject to the terms and conditions of the individual suppliers. Refunds, if applicable, will be processed according to the supplier’s policies, and VAS HOLIDAYS cannot guarantee full or partial refunds in these circumstances.
VAS HOLIDAYS shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential losses, additional expenses, or damages incurred as a result of force majeure events. Customers are advised to address claims for compensation directly with the respective service providers (e.g., airlines, hotels)
VAS HOLIDAYS strongly advise Customers to obtain comprehensive travel insurance that includes coverage for cancellations, delays, and other disruptions caused by force majeure events.
8.2 Support for Exceptional Requests
Customers facing exceptional circumstances may contact VAS HOLIDAYS support to facilitate communication with third-party providers. While VAS HOLIDAYS cannot directly authorize refunds or modifications in such cases, it will endeavour to assist the Customer in accordance with the supplier’s policies and authorizations.
8.3 Loss of Personal Belongings
VAS HOLIDAYS is not responsible for incidents involving the loss of personal belongings, delayed or missing baggage, or similar issues. Customers must report such incidents immediately to the local authorities or the responsible service provider (e.g., airline or hotel) for resolution.
9.1 Flights
(a) Fare Rules and Ticket Conditions
Each flight ticket is governed by fare-specific rules established by the airline. These rules may include conditions such as non-cancellability, non-refundability, and other restrictions on itinerary changes or refunds. Customers are responsible for reviewing the applicable Flight Rules for their ticket before completing the booking.
(b) Change or Cancellation Requests
If you need to modify or cancel your travel plans, you must notify VAS HOLIDAYS promptly. Please note the following:
(c) Fees and Refunds
(d) Airline Authorizations for Refunds
Tickets eligible for refund or cancellation must often be submitted to the airline for authorization. This may extend the refund processing time. VAS HOLIDAYS will notify you of the estimated turnaround period when acknowledging your request. Please note:
(e) Name and Documentation Accuracy
(f) Check-In and Segment Rules
9.2 Hotels
(a) Cancellation and Amendment Policies
(b) Supplier-Initiated Changes or Cancellations
(c) Star Ratings and Hotel Information
(d) On-Spot Issues and Complaints
(e) Additional Charges and Nationality Restrictions
(f) Group Bookings
9.3 Transfer Services
(a) Compliance with Instructions
(b) Unforeseen Changes or Delays
(c) Changes or Cancellations by the Customer
(d) Traveling with Children
(e) Responsibility and Liabilities
9.4 Activities
(a) Compliance with Instructions
(b) Unforeseen Changes or Delays
(c) Changes or Cancellations by the Customer
(d) Supplier-Initiated Changes or Cancellations
(e) Responsibility and Liabilities
9.5 Car Rental
(a) Compliance with Policies
(b) Driver Restrictions
(c) Changes or Cancellations by the Customer
(d) Traveling with Children
(e) Responsibility and Liabilities
9.6 Dynamic Packages (Multidestinations; Transport + Hotel, or Any Other Combined Services)
(a) Independent Services within Dynamic Packages
(b) Unforeseen Changes to Services
(c) Change or Cancellation Requests by the Customer
(d) Customer Responsibility
9.7 Groups
(a) Group Booking Status
(b) Confirmation of Group Bookings
(c) Changes or Cancellations by the Customer
(d) Responsibility and Liabilities
9.8 Charters
(a) Charter Booking Status
(b) Confirmation and Applicable Policies
(c) Payment Methods and Deadlines
(d) Changes or Cancellations by the Customer
(e) Responsibility and Liabilities
9.9 AI Trips
(a) Purpose and Functionality
(b) User Responsibility
(c) Limitation of Liability
9.10 Ideas
(a) Marketing Purpose
(b) User Responsibility
(c) Saved Ideas
(d) Limitation of Liability
Cancellation and Amendment Policies
- Cancellation terms vary by airline and fare type.
- Non-refundable fares cannot be canceled.
- Amendments (e.g., date or passenger name changes) subject to airline rules.
- Amendment fees may include airline charges and VAS HOLIDAYS processing fees.
- Airline cancellation fees apply.
- Refunds depend on fare type (non-refundable or partially refundable).
- Refunds (if applicable) may be impacted by currency exchange rate variations.
- Cancellation policies are determined by the hotel.
- Policies are outlined in the confirmation email.
- Last-minute cancellations may incur higher penalties.
- Amendments (e.g., date changes) are subject to hotel approval and availability.
- Hotel-specific fees may apply.
- Refunds are processed based on the hotel’s policy.
- 30% prepayment is non-refundable.
- Full payment is required 21 days prior to departure.
- No refunds for cancellations after final payment.
- Amendments are not guaranteed and subject to supplier approval.
- Non-refundable prepayment.
- Refunds depend on supplier-specific policies.
Dynamic Packages
- Each component (flight, hotel, etc.) follows its own cancellation policy.
- Amendments to individual components are subject to their specific policies and supplier approval.
- Refunds for individual components are processed based on supplier-specific policies.
- Group cancellation policies are defined during the booking process.
- Amendments for group bookings require supplier approval and may incur additional charges.
- Refunds (if any) are subject to supplier-specific policies.
- Cancellations must comply with supplier-specific timelines.
- Amendments are subject to supplier approval and availability.
- Refunds for cancellations depend on the transfer supplier’s policy.
- Cancellations may be subject to supplier-imposed deadlines and penalties.
- Amendments (e.g., change of date) are subject to supplier policies.
- Refunds depend on the supplier’s policy and availability.
Car Rentals
- Cancellations are subject to the rental company’s terms.
- Amendments (e.g., driver details or rental dates) may incur additional charges from the supplier.
- Refunds for cancellations are processed as per the rental company’s terms.
10. Customer Service
(a) Office Hours and Contact Details
(b) Emergency Line
(c) Guidelines for Using the Emergency Line
(d) Limitations of Assistance
11. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
(a) Governing Law
(b) Competent Court
(c) Amicable Resolution